a safe and respectful community
for women to explore and learn about AI

a woman sitting on a couch in a living room
a woman sitting on a couch in a living room
a woman in a black dress standing in front of a wall
a woman in a black dress standing in front of a wall

'Get it Girls' Unite

You not only get how amazing and transformative AI is and want a seat at the table before anyone else even realizes dinner is being served, but you also go out there and get your own success - with the help of AI.

Femularity is a women's community in which 'get it girls' unite in a safe and respectful space - a hotbed for AI innovation and collaborative success - built from the ground up for female AI enthusiasts.

There are numerous benefits to joining, learn more.

You GET it. You get how transformative AI is - in your life, in our world. But sometimes AI exploring is lonely.

two women sitting at a table with laptops
two women sitting at a table with laptops

Not Just a Mastermind

Creating this tight-knit sisterhood of AI enthusiasts, each a trailblazer on her own path, is a dream come true for me. I even used AI tools like GPT4, Midjourney and Ideogram to bring the dream of Femularity to life.

Here's my story - how I turned my dream into reality.

a group of friends enjoying a meal together
a group of friends enjoying a meal together
a woman sitting on a stool in a kitchen
a woman sitting on a stool in a kitchen

We Await Your Brilliance

By joining, you're not just part of a transformative community; you're at the forefront of the AI movement, empowered by women with forward vision. Ready to maximize your impact in AI? Femularity awaits your brilliance.

You get it, girl.

”I’m really excited about this. I think it will be great”
- Chrissie | @pressmanc
This is something I believe is really ground breaking. I never had the opportunity to be in a Sorority, and making friends with women has always been challenging for me. I feel like this group will be filling a void I've had for a long time!! Thank you for believing in your idea enough to make it a reality ;)
- SJ | @AWildSJ

Femularity is FREE.